Teens and tweens are among the most active users of social media today. With their smart phones and tablets in tow wherever they go, these youngsters often hang out on their favorite social networking sites many times a day. They keep in touch with friends both inside and outside of their school.
Surveys have found that majority or 81 percent of kids aged 12 to 17 use social media. This figure is higher than the 72 percent of internet users overall.
Among tweens, statistics show that 48 percent of girls between 6 and 12 years old own a cell phone while 51 percent of them have a smart phone. Half of adolescents, on the other hand, log into a social media site more than once each day.
Despite not having a smartphone to go online, tweens still manage to visit their favorite social networking sites by using a laptop (35 percent), their desktop computer (24 percent) or their tablet (32 percent). As the saying goes, if there’s a will, there’s always a way.
So where do these young people hang out online? Their favorite sites include YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Tween girls aged from six to 12 (45 percent) prefer to visit YouTube while 38 percent of those between 8 and 12 use Facebook. As for Instagram, 44 percent said they use it and 23 percent confirmed it’s their favorite app.
Twitter is not to be left behind although only a small percentage use it. Tweens aged 12 to 17 use the platform (8 percent) and two percent of those aged 6 and 12 are also using it.
Teenagers have a different preference when it comes to social media sites. Their top choices are Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter.
This may vary, however, among studies done by different groups. In some surveys, Instagram is the top choice of teens followed by Facebook and Twitter. The other preferred sites are Google Plus, Tumblr and Pinterest.
Tumblr is the top choice for teenagers aged 13 to 19 at 61 percent followed by Facebook at 55 percent and Twitter at 22 percent. Additionally, 21 percent use Instagram and 13 percent hang out on Snapchat.
Teens often visit social networking sites to do several things. Photo sharing (91 percent) is their most popular activity followed by posting their school name and location (71 percent). The others also post their email address and even their contact numbers.
Here are more related posts on the use of social media.